Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Movie Night - Man on Wire

Philippe Petit 
Once in a life time act of courage and mythic sense of control

The French high wire artist performer walked a tight wire between New York's Twin Towers on August 7,1974.
Some called it "The artistic crime of the century."

Growing up I was never one for the circus. First I wasn't too keen on the clowns. Then, I was always peeking through my fingers when they perform the high wire and the trappee acts. I never wanted to see them fall.

It has always been too intense for me. I am serious.
I have yet to see any of the Cirque Du Soleil.

Therefore, not sure why I decided to watch this documentary. Maybe I was just trying to avoid either the overly emotionally intense dramatic movies or the utter nonsensical comedies. And like I said before, I would watch anything set in New York City.

Philippe was thoroughly in love with the Twin Towers.  His preparation and execution of this dream of his were truly fascinating.
I am not sure if I was more in awe of his ability to walk on the wire atop 110 story or the fact that he was able to carry out his plan to do so.

Man On Wire (2008) - Trailer

Philippe is a dreamer...a person not bound by time.  He has no use for time, he said in one interview.  His goal is to live life, and live life on the edge.

I was a bit sadden by the end of the film.  Success overwhelmed him. The relationships that got him off the ground could no longer ground him.

I am still that girl peeking at people who live life on the edge.  I admire them; I am in awe of them...and sometimes, I am there to catch them when they fall.

By the way, Man On Wire won an Oscar in 2009. I can definitely see why.
Watch it, it will surprise you the range and wealth of emotions the film will bring on.

Man On Wire - Oscar Win

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