Saturday, May 7, 2011

Reflections on Motherhood

I LOVE my children.
They are the best thing that ever happened to me.
I am a more "realized" person because of them.

I contemplated  motherhood long before I became a mother.
Because of biological circumstances (fertility issue), babies did not come to be until years after the decision of motherhood.

When the gift of a child finally came, my neurology decided to work against my reality (postpartum depression).  It was a desperate road of recovery.  I overcame, we as mother-child overcame, us as a new family unit overcame.  Yet it wasn't without the cost of doubts, guilts and painful memories.

The blessing of the second child was then granted.  Now came the task of expanding our capacity, our beings and our love. The growth of appreciation for differences, preferences, and  flexibility became undoubtedly necessary.

I have often expressed myself as a student of my children.  My first born taught me how and what it means to be a mother and my second affirmed me into the status of motherhood.  They opened the door for me into the never ending, ever circular, philosophical differences of "Doing and Being."

And everyday, I continue to learn, to gain, to lose and sometimes, to fail. Fortunately, by now, I know the difference between "Doing For" and "Being With."  The ultimate goal for me in mothering, is to nurture not just the persons I gave birth to, but also the bond we co-created.

If we are not Mothers, then we are a Mother's Child
How will you express that bond today?

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