Saturday, December 17, 2011

Being Relevant...???

RELEVANT actually a magazine (click to see link)
...about God, Life, Progressive Culture

The word though, came up several times this last week.
...what is a relevant toy for a 6 year old
...what does a relevant parent/child relationship looks like when the child is now an adult does one make math relevant to a 10 y.o.
...what is the relevant of this Christmas season to people in general

Being a true struggle.
It's contextualization.
It's expressiveness.
It's the mean and method to valuable messages.
It's relational, factual, educational, meaningful.

It's almost sad, yet not shocking to me that being "Relevant" is dominated by the business of marketing.
It really should be dominated by people who care about God, Life, and Culture.

Just something I struggle with and weights on me...So I Share.

Hope It's someone.

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