Tuesday, December 20, 2011

To Be Kind and Courteous

Courtesy...No Longer Common

"Among the qualities of mind and heart which conduce to worldly success, there is one, the importance of which is more real, and which is generally underrated in our day...It is courtesy."
-Herbert Schiffer

Rushing in and out, here and there...
That seems to be the norm for the days leading up to Christmas and New Year.

So much emphasis is being put on expressing love yet, people in general are actually less kind and courteous than any other seasons.

Road rage, "check out" line rage, pushing and shoving are common place.

“The small courtesies sweeten life; the greater, ennoble it.”
Christian Nestell Bovee

Questions to ask ourselves:

- How much more time would it take to be polite?

- Are our communication thoughtful and cordial?

- Are our manners and mannerism a true representation of ourselves?

- Are we taking advantage of the kindness of others?

- Are we presenting ourselves respectfully and considered of others?

“Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.”
Henry Clay

Kindness and courtesy are the building blocks of a civilized society and hopefully a better and safer holiday season.

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