Friday, December 2, 2011

The Birds & The Bees...The (real) Questions Have Started.

The Birds & The Bees Questions...

Questions that make many parents feel like running (the other way). 

We are no exception.  I just felt like running.  Nerdy Hubby actually ran.
When the kids were younger, simple answers were sufficient.

(Then, around 8 y.o.)
Really, Where do babies come from?
Inside the mommy.
Where inside the mommy.
Babies grow in the uterus and then come out of the vagina.

(Around 9 y.o.)
How does the baby get there?
The sperm and the egg meet and a baby is formed.

(Lately, 10 going on 11 y.o.)
How does the baby inside the mom know that is the dad?
From the dad's sperm.
How did the sperm get there?
Oh, honey, do you want some ice-cream? How about playing some video games?
Buying time, thinking fast, but coming up with nothing in the moment.
Mmmm...I was saying, How does the dad's sperm get to the egg inside the mom?
Ahmmmm...can we talk later, your sister is listening.
Sister:  I want to know too!
Awkward silence...Okay, your mother has to go get a book before she can explain everything to you.

Puberty, bodily changes, bodily functions...those are much easier.
I was so happy to have checked those off.
Then, these specific birds and bees ???

It's always a balancing act among accurate information, family values and what to say or not, so not to freak them out.

While searching for the "appropriate" material to share...TED served up a wonderful reminder that our bodies and the formation of life is a truly an amazing process.

Alexander Tsiaras: Conception to birth -- visualized

Still running on borrowed time on the subject at hand... be continued!

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