Saturday, August 20, 2011

Surprise...Back To School Next Week

Surprise...Why Am I Surprised?!  

Seems like literally yesterday that I said Summer vacation began.
Now, kiddies are starting school next week.

5th Grade and 2nd Grade...Wow!
Not sure what to expect. One thing we do know, it will be a lot of work and very little play (at least Monday to Thursday).
Not sure if school is supposed to be like this, but like every other parents, we would like our kids to succeed.

I used to be able to say that as long as they are happy, that would be success.
Now, I am not so sure.

Maybe it's because of the latest news report.  Or the never ending gloomy broadcast of the "breaking news" around the world, and maybe we really just don't know much about anything anymore.

The older I get, the less (I realized) I know. (So much for back to school inspiration...sorry)
If there is ever a time in my life the phase "live by faith" holds meaning, I would say it is now.

So I pray...
pray for today, tomorrow and the next...
pray for my children, all the children, the teachers, the community, the world...

I pray for Blessings upon the children this day. Give them inquiring minds and discerning hearts.  Give them courage to persevere in all they undertake. Give them the gift of joy and wonder in all things.  Give them laughter and love to share with all.  Give them protection and safety as they move out of our embrace.  And give them sure and certain knowledge of the unfailing love in their lives.

May the teachers...
Instruct them
Strengthen them
Delight in them
Befriend them
Guard them
Love them 

That is what I can do, that is what I know, and that is what I am called to be my kiddies' parent.

Blessings to All during this time of "Back To School"

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