Tuesday, April 5, 2011

In Praise of Volunteerism - Do Something Bigger Than Ourselves

Listening to people complain about their lives keeps me employed. Now, here is my disclaimer, please don't get me wrong, I love what I do.  BUT...

Sometimes, I wonder if people would get off my couch sooner if they would just go and do something outside of themselves and bigger than themselves?

Let me explain what I mean.

For Individuals, they would go and volunteer for a cause in which they believe in, may it be religious affiliated or something they feel passionate about.  That would get them into a social environment, with people whom they share some similarities, doing something to help others and getting their focus off their problems for a little while.

For Couples, I often ask them to engage, create, build and share in something meaningful together to enrich their relationship.  Many couples share very little besides raising children together. Others, live parallel lives in the same house for years with few common interests.  Volunteering together will give them an opportunity to see each other in a different light, to feel anew and renewed.

2nd disclaimer:  This is not intended to be a professional recommendation for every person and every couple. I certainly recognize that people go into therapy for many unique/diverse reasons.

So my own concluding thought is, in general, Volunteerism inspires me.

Volunteering fuels me to see beyond my own "woes and pities."  
Then I can conclude that this world is Big, 
yet the Small part I play is just as important as the grandeur of it all.

Today I Will Help Spread the Word on Volunteerism

Locally in Santa Clarita:  I am inspired by

 Single Mothers Outreach

Friend them on Facebook

For MORE volunteering information in Santa Clarita:

Be Inspired to Thank a Volunteer Today  -  Better Yet...
Become One in Your Local Community

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the call out Karen! We hve lots of opportunities to volunteer at Single Mothers Outreach too! -DaAne Smith
